EXCLUSIVE! EXCLUSIVE! Interview with Sunshyne

Sunday, September 06, 2009

I would like to Introduce another side of Me!

This interview was conducted by a fabulous Hairlista member by the name of Mrs HairGrow. Check out the exclusive interview with your girl Sunshyne!
EXCLUSIVE Interview with Sunshyne

Many Hairlista's question who is the gorgeous woman behind Hairlista.com. Sunshyne has been helping women of color, race, and even a few males on Hairlista.com with their journey to healthy hair from her youtube videos, her blog site and of course Hairlista.com.

I’ve sent over ten IM’s questioning Sunshyne about hair care. I’ve asked questions from oils, moisturizers, protein, slip, and braidouts. I was soon I was going to receive a note saying “LEAVE ME ALONE”! LOL

Well I never receive anything negative from her, just respect! Her notes begin with, “Hey Hun”….and from there you feel like you could ask her anything. Well, I finally broke down and asked her if I could interview her. I wanted my hairlistas sisters to know Sunshyne behind the beautiful hair. This interview becomes intimate from family talk to Sunshyne’s future with her career.

Before she seals and moisturizes her hair, grab her silk scarf; massage her scalp she prepares herself for her first online interview with me!

Mrs. Hairgrow: Where were you born?

Sunshyne: I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Mrs. Hairgrow: I am so use to calling you “Sunshyne”, what is your full name?

Sunshyne: My name is Valerie Bremang. Unfortunately no middle name for me :(

MHG: Wow nice name, sounds a bit famous to me.

MHG: Describe your family? (Brother, sisters, mother and father ETC)

Sunshyne: I have an older sister; she's a Hairlista member as well by the name of Melyssah. I also have a younger brother.

MHG: I’ll have to go add her as my friend!

MHG: You have such beautiful hair, come on Sunshyne tell me what your are mix with, be truthful…. LOL what’s your background?

Sunshyne: My father is Ghanaian and my mother is Jamaican. So I'm a Ghamaican I guess...LOL.

MHG: Thanks for your honesty. I am glad you answered the question truthfully. Now readers no that black women could grow beautiful hair down their back.

MHG: What is your favorite food, being of the background, I know you like to eat good food?

Sunshyne: Oh there's so many. I would have to say Pizza, Ackee & Salt Fish with yam, dumplin and banana :)

MHG: Sound delicious!

MHG: What is your religion?

Sunshyne: I'm Christian. Jesus is my saviour.

MHG: Yes he is. I am a Christian too, so it feels good to know my long distant sister praise the Lord too.

MHG: What is your favorite bible verse, scripture etc.?

Sunshyne: Psalms 23, Psalms 121, Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7:7, Psalms 37:3-6...just to name a few.

MHG: Girl you make me want to grab my bible and get into some bible studies…great scriptures.

MHG: Where have you traveled?

Sunshyne: To be honest, I haven't traveled much. The places I have been to were Jamaica, North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. I will be doing more traveling in the near future.

MHG: Well you are always welcome to come to California! Maybe you could do my hair or something…LOL

MHG: Do you like to dance?

Sunshyne: Yes! Especially in front of the mirror late at night :)

MHG: Now you know someone is going to take that statement and run with it.

MHG: Who would you compare yourself to when it comes to fashion?

Sunshyne: Oh that's hard. I wouldn't compare myself to anyone in particular because I don't follow fashion like that. But I would say that I'm a mix of maybe, Beyonce, Ciara and Kim Kardashian. I love skinny jeans, with some heals, big handbags with shades. However, I have days where I dress real down and comfortable i.e. Track suits, hoodies, shorts, t-shirts, runners etc. I can switch it up real fast.

MHG: Sounds like you have great taste…I LOVE IT.

MHG: Do you have any children/boyfriend/girlfriend (depending on your sexual preference)?

Sunshyne: Hahaha, let's just say I'm free as a bird...LOL

MHG: How tall are you?

Sunshyne: Average height, I'm 5'5 ft

MHG: If you had to choose a body part to enhance what would it be and why?

Sunshyne: I would say my legs. I would want them to be a little more firm and toned. I'm pretty much content with everything else.

MHG: Glad to know you are confident about yourself. Most women don’t carry that.

MHG: What is your favorite movie?

Sunshyne: Love and Basketball is my all time favourite movie.

MHG: I love that movie too! My hubby has told me that I resemble Sanaa! Great choice.

MHG: What is your favorite color?

Sunshyne: Red!! I love earthy warm colors.

MHG: What year did you begin your hair journey and why?

Sunshyne: I began my hair journey in October 2007 because I wanted to take matters into my own hands and nurse my damaged hair back to health. I saw countless photos of ladies who achieved long healthy hair on websites and forums, so I knew it was possible for me too.

MHG: Have you ever thought about being a stylist?

Sunshyne: Yes I have. I will be getting my license shortly.

MHG: Well I need to make my way to Canada and make an appointment with you. That would be a hellava way to go for hair. LOL

MHG: Why are you so compassionate about helping others with their hair journey?

Sunshyne: To be honest it wasn't intentional. I just wanted to document my hair journey via my blog and it just took place naturally. I've educated myself and gained a lot of knowledge, I feel as though I should share all that I've learned to make it easier for others who are just starting their hair journey. I wanted to give people something I never had when I started my journey back in Fall 2007. I guess it's true what they say, sometimes you find your passion or your passion finds you.

MHG: Well I thank you for helping me.

MHG: If you were stranded on an island and only could take three hair products with you, what would they be and why?

Sunshyne: I would take a cheapy moisturizing conditioner to co-wash with i.e. Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship, a daily moisturizer i.e. Wave Nouveau Moisturizing and Finishing Lotion, and a shower comb to detangle my hair.

MHG: Congrats on your new hair length…would you ever cut your hair into a short style, if so why/why not?

Sunshyne: Thank you so much!! I'm really excited. I would definitely cut my hair in a heartbeat. I love short hair. I used to have my hair cut in bob similar to T-Boz from TLC and I would style it in a Mohawk, kind of like Rihanna's hair nowadays. It was so much fun and it fit my face well. However, I'm committed and dedicated to growing healthy long hair at the present moment so I won't be cutting my hair any time soon.

MHG: What is the worst thing you would say people do wrong to their hair while you read others hair regimens?

Sunshyne: The worst thing I notice with people's regimens would be the lack of daily moisturizers, not waiting long enough between relaxers and the excess usage of protein based products.

MHG: Ladies make a note of that!!!!!

MHG: What do you love about yourself?

Sunshyne: I love my sense of humor (anyone that knows me WELL, Knows I laugh all the time...very loud and hard!) my energy (fiery), my personality (outgoing & warm), oh and my hair of course! LOL

MHG: What do you dislike about yourself?

Sunshyne: My forgetful memory!! Honestly, it's so bad some people think I have amnesia. I'm working on it though.

MHG: Too funny!

MHG: I know you have a sweet smile and attitude but have you ever been incarcerated?

Sunshyne: Hahaha.no. You will not find me there. LOL

MHG: Would you ever go natural? Why/why not

Sunshyne: Yes I would. After I get to my goal of reaching Mid Back Length (MBL) and maintain it for a couple years, I will eventually transition to natural. So, that's a few years down the road. Right now my primary focus is attaining my goals while being relaxed.

MHG: What is your opinion on relaxers/natural hair?

Sunshyne: I feel that both natural and relaxed hair is beautiful. Heck, hair in general is beautiful once it's taken care of properly. There's a lot of controversy between relaxed ladies and natural ladies, but I just don't understand why. Everyone has the choice to do what they want to do with their hair. I mean, at the end of the day, it really shouldn't matter. It's just hair.

MHG: How long do you want your hair to be and why?

Sunshyne: Mid Back Length is my ultimate goal. I feel as though it's a length I would be most comfortable with. I would shoot for WSL, but I haven't made up my mind as yet, we'll see.

MHG: Some hairlistas call you their “lifesaver” through their hair journey, who would you consider YOUR “lifesaver”?

Sunshyne: My mother! She is my everything. I've had a lot of up's and down's with my mom, but through it all she's always been there for me. I appreciate her so much.

MHG: I love my mommy too.

MHG: Being from Canada I know there are people their that speak French etc. Do you speak any other language besides English?

Sunshyne: Jamaican Patois..LOL. I'm just playing! English is my first and only language.

MHG: That is a sexy language though…I’ll share a story with you later about a guy I use to date who was Jamaican and Puerto Rican.

MHG: What is your daily hair regimen (short version)?

Sunshyne: Moisturize in the morning with either Wave Nouveau Moisturizing Finishing Lotion or Scurl No Drip Activator in sections (important). I then seal with either Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil or Hot Six Oil. I style my hair, with my fingers only, into a sleek bun. I brush my edges and nape with my boar bristle brush. I add accessories i.e. stretchy headband and go!

In the night, I will take down my bun, moisturize and seal in sections (important) with either Wave nouveau or Scurl No Drip Activator then seal with Hot Six Oil or Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil. I then put on my satin scarf & bonnet and head off to bed. That's it

MHG: Sound pretty simple and straight to the point.

MHG: Do you have any favourite quotes, sayings, words you go by?

Sunshyne: Yes I do actually. Here are a few off the top of my head: .
  1. What goes around, comes around .
  2. We are just souls on this earth having a human experience. .
  3. Cherish each moment, and live life to the fullest, because all we have is now.

Well Sunshyne, I want to Thank you for sharing so much information with me. It has been a pleasure getting to know you. I feel I have gained a long distant sister! I’ll let you get back to your hair and dancing in the mirror….LOL

Many Blessings and thanks again.

I hope my Hairlistas sisters enjoyed getting to know Sunshyne.

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  1. I am so glad you like the finished work. Thanks so much for even taking the time to do this.

    Many Many hugs and blessings to ya.

  2. Wow I can't believe I read the whole thing lol. Not being funny, just that I hardly ever read word-for-word anything thing long lol. It was really good and informative. Nice job.

  3. Who ever this was that interviewed you. Why would they claim to be a Christian and then turn around and say something as wrong as: "your sexual preference????" People always claiming to know Jesus but don't know anything. a shame. Other than that it would have been a good interview.

  4. For April....

    I am not a judgemental person, and I am not going to judge anyone for the lifestyle they choose to live. I didn't say anything wrong...it was a harmless question. A question doesn't define me. I am awear of how the world is, therefore I open myself to always show respect to everyone, not judging them for how they live....I believe that makes me a Christian and not an ignorant person. Only god could judge, not me.

  5. Cool interview. I didn't know you were Jamaican n Ghanaian. I have to tell my nephew that word.. Ghamaican.. lol... Perfect word to describe his heritage...

    Yeah Durham region is cool...

  6. read it on Hairlista...good job!

  7. Thanks for reading!!! April I wasn't offended whatsoever. I understand where you are coming from, however, nowadays we cannot assume that people are heterosexual and of the Christian faith. I am completely straight.

  8. very good interview =)
    Sunshyne suits you well


  9. Great interview! Good job Mrs. Hairgrow.

    And to April...I would think that as a "Christian" you would never question someone's relationship with Jesus. That really a shame!

  10. Wow, April. YOU should be ashamed. How DARE you question someone's relationship with Jesus!! I'm offended. Last time I checked Jesus loved everyone and he still does. Even gays which you think are so "bad". Mind your own business next time

    I'm sorry Sunshyne but that really offended.

    Anyway, this was a lovely interview. I'm an avid member of hairlista and it was great getting to know you better.

  11. Very interesting! I didn't know you were a fellow Canadian :) Although I can't help but think that some questions such as full name, height age were a bit too personal. You never know if this kind of information falls in the wrong hands... just saying.

    As for April, you need to open your eyes and realize that if ALL humans were created by God than ALL deserve to be treated with respect. How can it possibly be WRONG TO LOVE someone if they are from the same gender, from different religion or different race. Stop looking outside and start looking inside.

    Peace and Love everyone!

  12. Hey yall,

    Revolutionary_Suicide here. I am a grateful Hairlista member. Gifted Black and Nappy and I'm happy to be nappy : - )
    The name Sunshyne does suit you girl. The first time I approached Sunshyne on U tube, I asked a most basic question. Looking back I could have answered the question myself by looking at her other videos. Oh well gotta start some where right lol? She was very patient. Not one iota of intolerance. I am so thankful for Hairlista. It's not only the information, knowledge and experience that HL affords me, and my hair. Ladies I need to be apart of a community where other sistas have goals that parallel my own. I kick it wich-yall b/c I know yall feel the Love and strain of going for the golden goal. HL keeps me motivated, and encouraged. I do not talk to other people the way I go on and on on HL. People don't wanna hear it LOL. I can be obsessed with my hair in HL, and it's cool.
    Not one time have I had someone acting a fool with me on HL. No cattiness, bickering, or sniping. I am very comfortable here. We do not agree with each other all the time. We do not have too. Black Women, are notorious for not getting along with each other. Mean, bitter, always angry and dramacidal. Yall know I ain't lying. That's our rep, atleast one of them. It's a stereotype, but there is always, always, always an element of truth to stereotypes. This site challenges that stereotype. Black Women can come together and support each other harmoniously. In the name of all that's Holy let's keep it that way ladies. Be here for the newbies that come on deck, doubtful and fed up,stressed out, and hurtin'fa-some-hair. LOL. I am glad yall were here for me. You don't even know what it took for me to get here. My hair takes me to some psychological places, I can't front. HL is the truth.

    Sunshyne, again thanks for Keeping HL free. Thanks for answering my questions so conscientiously. Thank you for being you. Thanks for sharing tid bits of yo'self Sunshyne. You are blessed. You and HL is my blessing. I only hope I can pay it forward someday. Oh yea good job Miss Hairgrow.

    Your HL Sis

  13. Well put "Anonymous Revolutionary Suicide" Your comment is so true and I feel the exact way about this site, My eyes became watery with love while reading your response. Bigups to all the lovely hairlistas we are beautiful as one.
