Loving My Relaxed Hair™ Presents: Antoinette
Tuesday, October 27, 2015Introduce yourself! what's your name? where are you from?
Hello My name is Antoinette. I am a wife, & mother of 2 (boy/girl). I grew up as a ‘military brat’ so I am from ‘Everywhere”(fun fact: I was born in Germany). I moved to Ohio in 2005 after I graduated from Morris College in South Carolina (I have a Bachelors in Business Administration). I currently live in Ohio – so I call this home.

Before I started my hair journey (January 2011) my hair was thin, but over the years it has thickened up tremendously (which I love). I’ve never really been interested in hair types, so I’m not sure what my type may be.
When did you start your relaxed hair journey? What is your hair regimen? Share a few of your "go-to" hair products.
I started my Hair Journey January 2011 at neck length. My hair was not damaged when I started my hair journey but I just wanted to grow it longer. I knew that in order to achieve healthier hair, I needed to practice healthier routines (i.e. not relaxing every 4-6 weeks, wearing protective styles etc).
My Regimen
Wash days are Sundays! I pre-poo with Jamaican black castor oil mixed with peppermint essential oil. I add this mixture to my scalp only. I then apply a light protein conditioner to the ends of my hair and put on my heating cap for 30min. I shampoo with Keracare hydrating and detangling sulfate-free shampoo.
I then use a t-shirt to squeeze out access water and apply a moisturizing deep conditioner – Kurlee Belle Banana Nut & Avocado Deep Treatment (this helps to balance my protein/moisture) for 30 minutes under my heating cap. I always add an oil to my deep conditioner mixes i.e. EVOO, EVCO, Grapeseed oil (whatever natural oil I grab first).
After rinsing out my deep conditioner, I t-shirt dry for about an hour. I later apply my leave-in conditioner (MuraMura Moisture Milk by: PuraBody Naturals) and lightly detangle with a wide tooth comb.
I air dry 90% of the time. I typically flatiron and/or blow-dry once every 2 months. I wear protective styles (bun w/my own hair) 90% of the time. I relax every 4-5 months. I moisturize and seal (Grapeseed Oil & MuraMura Moisture milk) every 2 days with a bonnet covering my hair at night.
I have never been into sew-ins, wigs, braids. I have nothing against them, I actually think all the different styles are pretty; it’s just not for me. I always joke around by saying, "I stretch cold turkey". I think stretching ‘cold turkey’ helps you to understand what your hair likes/dislikes. It definitely takes extra work and patience.
What #1 hair tip you would pass on to other relaxed haired ladies who are starting their hair journey?
STRETCH your relaxers! It’s soo much healthier for your hair in the long run. I used to relax every 4-6 weeks. After all the knowledge I've learned about my hair - and having a lot of patience - I can now go 5 months in between each relaxer.
Nowadays it's becoming more uncommon to see relaxed hair or products geared towards relaxed hair. Do you feel the pressure to go natural? Why or why not? What are your thoughts on the natural hair movement?

Why do you choose to remain relaxed while many are transitioning back to their natural hair?
I choose to remain relaxed because it works best for me and my lifestyle.
What do you absolutely love about your relaxed tresses? And why?
I absolutely love how HEALTHY my relaxed hair is, and the length I’ve achieved over the years. My relaxed hair is very versatile. I can wear buns, braid outs, bantu knots, straight, curly, & ponytails.
How do you stretch your relaxers since you don't do protective styles like weave etc? What products and routine?
ReplyDeleteBeautiful progress, thanks for sharing with us!