Year In Review: Top 5 Healthy Hair Care Posts Of 2017
Sunday, December 31, 2017Where did the year go? like honestly!
As 2017 comes to an end, I want to take some time to reflect on this years most popular posts! These posts represent a combination of most-shared and most-viewed posts, as well as my personal favourites. These posts are filled with gems, knowledge and tips regarding all things hair related with the goal of keeping any hair journey-er on track.
If you've missed any of these posts along the way, enjoy catching up!
Here's a quick look back at my Top 5 Healthy Hair Care Posts from 2017:
5. Relaxer Day Essentials - Featuring ORS Olive Oil Relaxer and ORS Replenishing Conditioner

Click Here To Read: Relaxer Day Essentials - Featuring ORS Olive Oil Relaxer and ORS Replenishing Conditioner
Click Here To Read: 3 Reasons Why Coconut Oil Needs To Be In Your Regimen
3. Why Your Hair Will Say Thank You To Protective Styling

Click Here To Read: Why Your Hair Will Say Thank You To Protective Styling
2. 7 Habits Of A Successful Hair Care Journey

Click Here To Read: 7 Habits Of A Successful Hair Journey
1. How I Maintained Mid Back Length - Without A Setback!

Click Here To Read: How I Maintained Mid Back Length - Without A Setback!