Product Junkie-ism In Action!! Please VOTE

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Calling all product junkies to the forefront. Please vote and comment in detail below if you've experienced the Ultimate Product Junkie experience. I would love to hear =]


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  1. LOL this is a good one! Given certain situations and products, I tend to do it all.

  2. I started out as a product junkie in the beginning of my hair journey because I thought everything would work, but with experience comes WISDOM. I now realize the importance of sticking with the things that work and saving my hard earned money.

  3. LMBO! Shame on me...I buy it without hesitation (unless I'm short on cash). I get excited like "OO, I've been looking for this!" I've been trying to get over that though...not sure how that's working out for me. lol

  4. Cute poll, lol. I stare--reading the ingredients 5 times to try to justify buying it.

  5. Thanks ladies for your response. I do all the above!! LOL

  6. OH wow I am a product junkie!!!! I really need to stop. LOL

  7. LOL this post is too cute. I am definitely the one to stop and ask my self if I really need the product while staring at it for a good 10-15mins, which truly annoys by DH =P

  8. I totally understand, I get shaky and excited when I go to the hair store, or the hair aisle at my local pharmacy, but I'm learning though!
