5 Ways To Improve The Elasticity In Your Hair
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Hair is elastic - to put it simple! Having optimal levels of elasticity gives your hair s t r e t c h i n g power that allows your comb to easily move through your hair without breakage from the manipulation. Lack of elasticity causes your hair to snap off and break at every little tension placed upon your hair. So essentially, increasing your elasticity means increasing the moisture levels in your hair.
Improved elasticity not only improves styling and manipulation of the hair but it also reduces premature breakage. Hydrated hair = Improved Elasticity = Less breakage! #Goals
Here are 5 easy ways to help improve the elasticity in your strands:
1. Incorporate Extra Virgin Olive Oil In Your Regimen
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is known to penetrate into the hair cortex up to at least 25%. The fatty acids aid in improving the strength and elasticity of the hair strand. With frequent use as a pre-shampoo or mixed into your deep conditioner, you will notice improved stretching power in your hair.
2. Frequent Washes and Treatments
Wet hair is naturally more elastic than dry hair. Frequent washes and moisture conditioning treatments will help moisten your strands and relax the hydrogen bonds in the cortex improving the hydration levels and elasticity in each strand. Note, proper protein dosages are also needed to resist breakage.
3. Baggying Your Hair
Well moistened hair will return to its original state when stretched, rather than snap off and break when dry. Baggying your ends, or entire head rather, creates an environment where the plastic bag traps heat helping to re-activate your moisturizer. This draws moisture and softness into the hair thus increasing your hair's ability to stretch beyond its original length and return to its original state without breaking.
4. LOC/LCO Method
The liquid, oil, cream & liquid, cream, oil methods are ideal for locking moisture into the strands. The retained moisture enhances the elasticity while easing possible stress in manipulation and friction.
5. Steaming vs. Hooded Dryer
Steaming releases warm water vapours as opposed to dry heat accompanied by hooded dryers. While steaming, the warm water vapours easily seep into the strands increasing hydration and the penetration of the conditioner. Remember, increased elasticity will be present in effectively moistened hair.
*References: Science of Black Hair - Elasticity and Textured Fibers pg.43