Product Haul: Got My Nu-Gro!!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I got my Nu-Gro Products in the mail this week. I got the Ultimate Deep Conditioner Hair-GRO Kit along with the Moisturizing Conditioner & Hair-Gro Butter.

I can't wait to try these products out. Be on the look out for products review shortly!!!


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  1. I was literally just looking at their website wondering if i should buy their products! I will be on the look out for your review!

  2. LOL..Great!!! Keep posted :)

    ♥ Sunshyne

  3. I've used it for about a month or so... didnt have no problem with it. Cant really give an accurate review because i was use SOO MANY other things at the same time. loll (product junkie? i kno). It was at the beginning of my regimen when i didnt even kno wat a regimen was.. ^_^

  4. Oh yay! Can't wait for your review. I had very nice results from PRAYER and using Nu Gro over the summer. My hair went from chin length to touching the top of my shoulder from March to November

  5. I also purchased the ultimate deep condish kit. I absolutely fell in love w/the leave in spray w/moisturizer, re-ordered and am about to order it again! Funny b/c I just did a post on it a week or two ago, but def. good stuff. It's helping my hair a great deal. Hope you enjoy!

  6. Upon reading your blog and the reviews here, I decided to purchase Nu-Gro products. However, the website had so many different kits that I wanted to mix and match, so I called their customer service (5 stars by the way) to see if I can substitute certain products for others and they mentioned that I could, just type it in the comments section. With that said, I ordered the Petroleum Free Kit w/both sprays for $35.59, substituting the oil-free spray (contains alcohol) for a bonus size of moisturizing spray; also, I have substituted the regular conditioner for the moisturizing conditioner at no extra cost. Since I ordered this kit with the shampoo and hair butter (petroleum free), I just ordered the bonus-size leave-in for $8.90 (Deep Conditioner kit comes with the regular size) and the Deep Conditioner with cap for $10.00; which is about a dollar cheaper than the kit. In addition, I got a 10% discount for using the promotional code "sistas".

    Therefore, what I was trying to say through all of my ramblings :) is that you can customize the kits via the comment box on the website. ~Mystique

  7. @ Jenn - LOL..girl when reviewing products, you've got to incorporate one thing at a time or just try the line exclusively.

    @ ShanSoPink - Wow, I'm glad to hear that. The review will be coming shortly.

    @ Tee - You're telling me! The Leave-in spray is FAB!! I used it today and I'm impressed. More details to come. Thanks hun for your input.

    @ Mystique - Thank you hun!!

    @ Khalia - *smiles* stay tuned!!

  8. Everyone, Hairlista has it's own promo code, it's NULISTA!!!!!! YAY

  9. I was searching ebay and I found a variety of Nu Gro kits for only $42.00 with free shipping. With the free shipping it may work out to be cheaper depending on where u live. Hope this helps those who are interested.

    - Alisha

  10. Hey all

    To get a discount on Nu skin products just become a Nu Skin distributor, and you can purchase all the Nu Skin products at wholesale, saving 30%.

    Go to nuskin's website. Choose country. Click "sign up" then "individual" and in the sponsor distributor Id write: IL1148187 - Fill in the form and save up to 30% on all the products.

    Usually there's a $25 fee to become a distributor, but if you make a purchase it's free -

    If you just want to purchase NuSkin wonderful products and not to become a distributor, just use this ID number - IL1148187 - to order.

    Enjoy and have a young life,

