3 Reasons to Love Avocado Oil

Monday, September 19, 2011

1. Avocado oil is rich in vitamin A, D, & E, B6 to help nourish follicles and scalp. These vitamins help to restore health, strengthen and moisturize brittle hair. 

2. Acts as a humectant, meaning it draws moisture to the hair. Increases moisture content in hair thus keeping the hair from drying out. 

3. Natural sunscreen to help protect against harmful UVA & UVB rays. Avocado oil is excellent for replenishing the hair with the nourishment it needs to recover and thrive. 

Ways you can use it: 

1. As a pre-wash treatment 

2. 1-2 tsps in your Deep conditioner with heat 

3. Steam with a hot towel I personally witnessed the wonders of this oil and I've been using it in my moisturizing deep conditioners since 2009. It's part of my 3PO (Olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil) mixture that I use weekly to help soften, strengthen and nourish my hair. 

 Loves it :) 


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  1. can you tell whether avocado itself is moisture or protein?

  2. Avocado Oil is amazing for the hair! I have been using it for a while now. Its also great for your skin.

  3. Thanks for this, I'm thinking of adding avocado oil to my reggie once I finish off my Jojoba oil, which I don't really like. This info is great!

  4. I am adding avocado oil to my shampoo. I find it's more moisturizing than normal shampoo. But the drawback is, my SLS-free shampoo doesn't foam. Don't know if it's just me.
