Product Review: Camille Rose Naturals Algae Renew Deep Conditioner
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Promises: Our Algae Renew condish is handcrafted with amazing Blue Green Algae which are rich in vitamin B. Improves hair cell regrowth, stops shedding/breakage resulting in stronger, longer hair. Deeply penetrates and remoisturize dry and brittle hair. Increase body and shine THE NATURAL WAY!
Directions: Apply as a mask to dry or wet hair. Leave for 10 minutes then wash with cool water while detangling with fingers or a wide tooth comb. For extra conditioning apply a plastic cap and sit under a hooded dryer, steamer or heat cap for 20 minutes.

Truth: This is the first time I've ever tried the Camille Rose Naturals product line. I know a lot of naturals rave about their products, especially this particular conditioner. Anyway, fast forward to a couple weeks ago, my sister and I saw it at the Beauty Supply Store and just felt the urge to try it out for ourselves based on the great ingredients. Plus one of my IG followers listed this moisture DC as one that "her hair loves". Of course, that definitely peaked my interest.
Okay, let's start with the consistency! It's rich, thick and creamy. It was easy to apply and soaked right into my hair. It smells so good - kind of like a minty cupcake because of the peppermint oil in the ingredients. I actually felt a little bit of a "cool tingly sensation" on my scalp while DC'ing with it - brownie points for scalp stimulation!!So prior to applying the condish, I did a protein treatment on dry hair, shampooed and then applied the CRN Algae Renew to damp hair. I left it on my hair for 25-30 mins under my hooded dryer. As I was rinsing it out, I didn't experience as much "slip" as I would have liked. But I was still able to detangle my hair pretty well with my fingers in the shower. You guys, after t-shirt drying for 15 mins my hair felt incredibly soft, smooth and fluffy. I was too excited!! My new growth was soft and manageable. I was able to detangle my hair thoroughly with my wide tooth comb without applying my LEAVE-INS! This is huge! Definitely re-purchasing :)
- Smoothes out the hair
- Thick in consistency
- Easy to apply (spreads easily onto the hair)
- Little goes a long way
- Provides moisture
- Great ingredients - i.e. peppermint oil (scalp stimulation)
- Softens the hair
- Protein-free
- Expensive for size!
- Small jar
- Little slip
Price: $22.99 CAD 8oz.
Hairlicious Rating:
I'm glad you liked it! I'm "gachamp" that was raving about this product in your IG comments��. Honestly, there are some really good products in this line that work well for relaxed hair...I just wish they were a little less pricey.