Loving My Natural Hair™ Presents: AprilBeee_
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Hi my name is April Bee. I’m originally from Bronx, New York but I’ve lived in Virginia for quite some time now.
How would you describe your hair? What's your hair type?
I have many different textures throughout my whole head. In some areas it’s curly, some areas it's coily while others are wavy. I would say that my hair type ranges from 3c to 4b.
When did you start your natural hair journey? What is your hair regimen? Share a few of your favourite "go-to" hair products.
I started my natural hair journey on December 28, 2012 which is the day that I big chopped. As for my hair regimen….I really don’t have one to be honest. I just go with the flow and do whatever my hair tells me. If my hair is feeling dry, I make sure that I do a deep conditioning treatment to bring back the moisture, or I’ll co-wash with my favorite conditioner. My go-to product is Shea Butter! That’s right! I like to keep it simple when it comes to the products that I use. I used to be a product junkie when I first went natural, but I’ve found that "simple is best" and Shea Butter works wonders on my kinks, curls and coils! I like to use Shea Butter when styling my hair in a braid out or twist out. I spritz my hair with water, apply a small amount of Shea Butter on top…and my hair comes out perfect!
What #1 hair tip you would pass on to other natural haired ladies who are currently Transitioning or about to Big Chop?
The #1 tip I would pass on to others would be to have PATIENCE…enjoy the journey…enjoy the different hair stages…and embrace your beauty…the length will come before you know it!
My two younger sisters are the ones that inspired me to go natural. They both had beautiful, curly, shiny hair. I wanted to see what my natural hair looked like. Not to mention…I was also tired of getting relaxers and it burning my scalp. I’m happy that the natural hair movement is thriving and more ladies are returning to natural and discovering their natural beauty. It’s a wonderful thing and I hope that people continue to see the importance of embracing what God gave us! I would relax my hair again….however….you’d have to pay me some BIG BUCKS!! LOL
I don’t recall ever having a challenging moment. My natural hair journey has been smooth sailing thus far. Love your hair and it will love you back!
What do you absolutely love about your natural coils? And why?
I love the versatility. I love that I can wear my hair curly one day and straight the next! Going natural is the best decision I have ever made when it comes to my hair!
I love April's hair!!!! Always have, relaxed and natural.