Special Report - 'Going Natural'

Monday, November 22, 2010

A fellow Hairlista, Uneek Natural, posted this video today and the story really caught my attention (thanks girl for posting it) so I thought I'd share it with you all.

Let me know your thoughts and feelings.


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  1. r u going natural too?

  2. Great video! thanks for sHAring!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I admire people who go au naturel and I sometimes wish I could but I'm just worried that it'll be more difficult to manage. But as a mom, I could definitely do what that mom did for my daughter.

  4. Great post..I am tranitioning to natural for my daughters as well

  5. great post, kinda makes me wanna transition

  6. That is a great post! Mainstream media are noticing too... Excellent!

  7. great post, and i LOVE natural hair although i'm not natural. I've considered it several times, but for different reasons decided against it. I can't help but wonder is this just a trend now, kind of like a fad. Yeah, you'll be natural for however long, then back to the creamy crack, when time and circumstances call for it? I'm just curious?

  8. I will never go back. It is too versatile. This is me!


  10. I am shocked that this was a news report - amazing! However. it is disturbing (just like the movie "Good Hair") to assume that Black women can only have long, shiny hair with weaves or wigs. That annoys me! I got my 1st relaxer when I was in my 20's and never wore weaves and had hair down my back most of my life..

    Does any 1 else feel annoyed by this assumption????

  11. Yes!!!! It's very assuming, for lack of better words!!!!! Basically saying we NEED wigs and weaves to have long, healthy hair.....WRONG!!!!REPORT THAT!!!!

  12. Corporate American will have to get on the "Natural Hair Bandwagon" because it is approaching quickly...

    I must admit that I do have thoughts of going "Natural."

    The thought of having a "Nappy~Head" freaks me...Being all "Natural", chemical free and the benefits is what's drawing me in....Just my 2cents..

  13. I am seriously considering going natural. My cousin has been natural for about 4 years and she loves it! It is who we are as BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMEN!

  14. I loved the vid. I am transitioning, using lace fronts. I love my natural hair I think the more young women that love all of themselves the better! I really hope that it persists though!

  15. Like another poster mentioned, I also have thoughts of becoming natural. I think the real message should be to 1) learn the proper techniques of caring for your hair natural or relaxed or 2) make sure we're promoting beauty across the board whether natural or relaxed. Relaxed folk shouldn't feel bad unless they ARE relaxing for the wrong reasons.

  16. I can not stand to read when someone says in relation to black women who are natural: It is who we are as Beautiful Black Women. WTH is that suppose to me. WE are not our HAIR. I embrace the natural hair but not that dry kinky brittle look. NO! natural or relaxed. It is some scary matted looking hair.

  17. Im all for the natural ladies! but I wonder if this is just a fad? I can't wear extention in my hair, like other women can, so if I do the big chop this is how ill have to deal with it. But as for the other they can chop it off and sow in hair all they want

  18. I am so loving this post! It is so encouraging. Hopefully corporate America will be more willing to accept our natural hair (no matter what the texture is). Black is beautiful (whether natural or relaxed)! : )

  19. Why is it that black hair is always equated with being short? They also completely ignore the tens of thousands of women who are growing their hair both natural and relaxed down their backs and to their waists. There was no focus on taking care of your hair as black women.

  20. GREAT VID!!!! so if all black women is to go natural the hair industry will crash and the hair salons also, HAHA

  21. This video really touched my heart. What an eye opener.

  22. This is good! She really informed a "mixed" audience of what we go through. Doing a big chop and vowing not to use synthetic alternatives again on national TV is brave and definitely a topic that arises considering her career in the public eye. It's so important to be confident!

  23. Transitioning back to natural!!! Whoop whoop!

    Got my first relaxer at age 17, was blessed with WL hair, now I'm transitioning back to natural. It's been over a year!!!

    God bless!

  24. I was "natural" my whole life til 5 years ago (when I turned 18). I couldn't STAND my nappy hair. I got teased a lot and I was always afraid something would crawl in my hair and I wouldn't notice lol. So I bowed down to the chemicals and I loved how easier it made my life! No more breaking combs and getting things lost in my hair! No more mountains of grease, hot combs, and running from any kind of wetness. I've always liked long smooth hair. ANd I LOVE my back length straight hair! And no I wasn't brainwashed by "the man". But now its like EVERYONE wanna be natural now. I'll give the fad a few years.

  25. Love the video. I recently cut off my relaxed bra strap length hair and decided to go natural after 30 years of relaxed hair. The experience was liberating and I will never return to a relaxer. I wish all my sisters well in the quest for HEALTHY hair whether it is long, short, relaxed or natural. God Bless.
