HAIRLISTA INC. Social Network is Here!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The time has finally come! I've Officially launced a sister site to Hairlicious called HAIRLISTA INC. HAIRLISTA is a Social Network designed to unite and educate Women on Healthy Hair Care Practices, Skin, Beauty and much more.

What is a HAIRLISTA (Hair-lee-staa)?

HAIRLISTA is a posh name given to die hard Healthy Hair Care fans. Many women are, or desire to become, Hair enthusiasts, Hair Divas since hair is an integral part of one's daily routine. A HAIRLISTA exudes Confidence, Hair & Product knowledge and of course Style! This site is all about embracing the HAIRLISTA within YOU!
Join today for FREE and spread the word!

Just highlight & copy the code below the images to get them.




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  1. Great site Sunshyne!! I luv the graphics..just luv'em. :O)

  2. omg, i just checked the date for your next relaxer. we got ours done around the same time. mine was 8/9/08 and I was planning on relaxing again this november. my hair has been breaking off something terrible. everyone says it got longer but i feel like i'm no retaining length.

    i just wrote down your regi and i'm going to try it. also, thanks for your product recommendations. the wave nouveau is working! i have spent hundreds on products.

    anyway, sorry to write you a novel but my relaxer in august was my first in 12 years. i had been a braids girl prior. anyway, i ended up texlaxing unevenly and i did A NUMBER of things wrong. next relaxer, i am planning on going to an actual salon or someone who really knows what to do. (friend did the first one). so i guess my question is:
    -can post the steps a hair stylist SHOULD go through when relaxing your hair?
    -can you tell me if you use a protein treatment right after relaxing?

    (ps: im this close to calling this relaxer thing quits and just getting a press and curl every two weeks.)

  3. @ Emeritus - Your welcome!! I'm going to a new stylist for my next relaxer. I found a hair dresser that embraces healthy hair care practises so I'm not too sure what steps they are going to take. Overall, a stylist should base your scalp, apply the relaxer to the new growth only, shampoo with the neutralizer 2-3times, and do a protein treatment. My old hair stylist never did a protein treatment afterwards, I'd always have to come home and do it myself (i.e aphogee 2 min , or egg mixed with conditioner).

    If you relax, let me know how it goes.

  4. i love the design, keep it up!
