Have Your Say: Are You Currently Happy With Your Regimen?

Monday, August 02, 2010

I'm still in the midst of simplifying my hair regimen and products. My ultimate goal is to cut down on the amount of products I have in rotation. I think the easier and simpler the better! So far it's been great, but I have a few things to tweak, remove and re-evaluate. Ideally, I would love to have 1-2 products per category i.e. 2 protein conditioners, 1 moisturizing shampoo, 2 moisturizing deep conditioners etc.

Anyone else on that same tip? Are you looking to drop your product-junkie ways? What would you like to tweak in your regimen?


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  1. I have figured out what my hair really likes, now I'm trying to figure out which 2 products of each to keep.
    As far as Co-Washes, hands down Suave Humectant and Aussie Moist
    Leave-In: HE LTR has been good, Giovanni Direct can be used, but I havent found a hands down product. I use V05 as a leave-in from time to time.
    Cholesterol my hair responds well.
    Shea Butter and water.
    The only thing I wan to revist is coconut oil. Haven't uesd it in a while.
    Low-Man styles work best for me.

  2. I'm doing the same. I found staples and plan on keeping most of them, I want to find some products that are more cost effective and easier to find locally. I've accumulated a lot of products trying to figure out what I like but that won't happen again. LMAO

  3. For the most part, I think I have found my staple products, for example:

    Moisturizing Shampoo: CON Ultra Moisturizing, DC Moisturizer: SE MCT and CON N & S, Protein Conditioner: ApHogee 2 Min (light) ApHogee 2 Step (Heavy)
    Leave Ins: ApHogee Green Tea, and ApHogee Pro Vitamin, Daily Moisturizer: S-Curl

    I am still toying with my serums, and clarifying spampoos. Also, I am continually changing my pre-poos. Haven't decided which mixture my hair likes best.

    Even once I have finalized my regimen, I think I would be hardpressed not to try new products, its just the PJ in me. I am seeking that product that will leave my hair at its optimal best!!!

  4. I am still trying to find what my hair likes. At the moment these are the products I am using:
    Shampoo-Elasta QP Shampoo
    Co-Wash Conditoner: Suave Almond and shea butter
    Deep Conditoner: Aubrey Organics HSR
    Protein Treamtent: ORS Hair Mayo
    Moisterizer: ORS
    Oils: Coconut Oil
    I thought I had my hair regimine down but for some reason my hair is not responding well to it anymore. Its so frustrating.

  5. everything is great, but i know i need to trim more often, i'm about to get my first lace front wig to start handling my hair less, and i ran out of my moisturizing conditioners so now im on the lookout for a new favorite! : )

  6. I been MEGA simplifying my regimen and my product rotation. It was getting a bit crazy with the madness of this HHJ. I want it to be a hobby not an obsession. Now im confident I can live with out the excess.

  7. I love my hair regimen and i am still tweaking it occasionaly.I have seen so much improvement in my hair since deciding to transition it is thicker and healthier. My key thing is washing and deep conditioning regularly and less heat!

  8. I dont have a regimen yet, I'm just taking it day by day. I started out using Carol's Daughters products, and once I figured out how to use them I loved them. Now I am whipping up my own concoctions. I have a shea butter/cocoa butter/mango butter (etc, etc) mix that I use for deep moisturizing, and also for my skin. I just made a silky hair-milk product. I also have an H2O/oil spray. My rejected concoctions get mixed with black soap and become my shampoo. Whatever is in the fridge is likely to become my DC. I've just been using whatever whenever....as I learn my hair more I'll probably become more regimented with my products.

  9. I started my HJ 16wks ago so I am still learning my hair as far as what products it likes and does not like but when it comes to how much I wash, my protective styles and my M&S reg I am very happy! I know how my hair works and I know what to do to keep it healthy.
    I am going to play with a few more products as i go from relaxed to natural but I like the way I am treating my hair now and I am not going to be changing that EVER.
